Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Sun Also Rises (late)

This is Oliver posting. Caroline has set a tough standard! Just a little snippet to share from my end. The sun rises at 7:15am every morning. For our little jet lagged family this makes the morning experience slightly surreal. We've been waking between 4-5am since we arrived, which means 2-3 hours of darkness every morning. I was on morning feeding duty with Anna this morning as Caroline was recharging her batteries (see last post!), and with 3oz consumed at 6am but a very fidgety Anna to entertain and burp, I decided it was time for a morning stroll. We went out in the baby bjorn and walked along Orchard Street (the main shopping street, equivalent to 5th Ave and Times Square put together). Shops were closed but the noodle shops were doing a brisk business as late night revelers on their way home stopped for the Singaporean equivalent of post-Dorrians pizza. They were smoking up a storm and chatting away but as I passed by with Anna in tow they all cooed and cried out "cute!", girls and boys alike. The love of children is everywhere - such a nice thing for us and what a contrast to New York. I also noted how safe it felt to be walking around in darkness on the equivalent of a weekend late night. There are good aspects to the "Nanny State" after all....

Next post: our first trip to visit the Galtarossa's in Sentosa


  1. I'm worried I will gain a lot of weight when I visit you because I'm very interested in the food. The late night chow will be a culinary curiosity (well, priority, actually) as well!

  2. What a Saga with the "Helpers" - who would have thought of the complications with the permits. If you find a "willing" intelligent one=Send her to Enlish Language Class. I did it with Maria Luisa in NYC + it worked.She was with us for Seven years ! Love. M
