Sunday, April 24, 2011


Recently, I experienced the most intense thunderstorm I can remember. The rain (torrential) was nothing special, the thunder and lightening, however, were impressive. Following every clap of thunder, making my daughter jump, was the sound of a cracking whip that felt as if it was literally behind me. And the lightening! It was seemingly appearing only several hundred feet away. I was surprised each time the building in front wasn't hit. More incredibly, both construction sites (one in front and to the left and the other directly to the right of my building) were still moving forward with their work - albeit at a slower tempo. Between the booming thunder and whip-like lightening, I saw (metal) cranes moving, and jackhammers ta-ta-tating away. CRAZY! I expected at any moment to hear an ambulance cart some poor worker away, as both these sites are totally devoid of actual buildings and are the only real open areas in the vicinity. I realize I can be prone (at times) to exaggeration, however to say they lightening seemed to be appearing next to the building in front of me several hundred feet away, is not. I hope these guys were  being paid some significant additional cash to continue work under such dangerous, not to mention, unpleasant, conditions!

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