Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Finally - Pictures

I have not been so good posting pictures - but these bring us up to date!

Night view from our balcony
Checking for foot & mouth disease at school every morning

A tough day of farming at school

Some of the many gorgeous sunsets seen from our apartment

Chinese gardens

Feeding the rather aggressive turtles at the Chinese gardens

 Furniture arrives
Charlie getting made-up at the Chinese opera
 A walk in the botanical gardens

Langkawi, Malaysia

Monday, May 16, 2011

Reflexology: East vs West

With a piercing migraine, and no time to indulge in a bedridden recovery, I decided to try Reflexology, as I had heard, could help. I was doubtful, but figured it was worth a shot.

Now, I confess, I love any kind of massages and have had my fair of Reflexology massages, but all at resorts. And I loved them. The ones that I had had were extremely relaxing, and many times left me in a state of speechless bliss.

I had never really considered these massages for medical purposes (too relaxing!). For those of you who don't know, a reflexology massage is focused mostly on the feet and lower legs believing that different areas of the foot relate to different areas of the body and by massaging (I use this word loosely here) your foot in certain ways, it can help restore balance to your body and relieve pain.

So, in my compromised state, I wandered around until I found a place that seemed suitably clean and not dodgy (I did try one "Press and Rub" when I first arrived). I found a place, and told them of my terrible migraine and asked if they could help me. Yes, absolutely, I was reassured. My feet were washed, and I was put in a room with many other lounge-chair type of beds separated by transparent curtains. A strong, and at the same time gentle, Chinese Singaporean woman sat down in front of me and listened to my complaints. And then went to work. 20 minutes into my 60 minutes, I was starting to sweat, hyperventilate and trying to be brave and last through to the end of the massage. It was excruciatingly painful.
OW! What does that part of my foot relate to?
Your neck.
OW! and that?
Your eyes? Are you tired? (YES!)
Your spine.
(Deep breaths deep breaths suffering through the next one...) What's that?
Lower back.
I was now white knuckled gripping the edge of my bed-chair, and that?
Your head.
You've got to stop, I'm dying, what's that?
Sciatic nerve....
I have no doubt, I am ashamed to say, that she was taking it easy on me. By the end of the massage, I was, quite literally, drenched in sweat. I was given my rose tea to sip, and got up on my (surprisingly not sore) feet. And swayed.
You feeling giddy?
You feel okay? Maybe you sit down for a while?
Um.... yes.

I very nearly fainted. Black spots and everything. Thankfully she noticed before I did and helped me. She told me it was not uncommon under the circumstances. I might mention that our furniture & things from NYC had only just arrived the week before and every single area that was excruciating on my foot related very specifically to areas of my body that had been hurting.

I am forever transformed into a believer. I now go weekly, and as promised by this wonderful woman, each time is less painful then the first, and that I will sleep like a baby each night after a massage (a promise worth its weight in gold!). And I do. And yes, I also generally am starting to feel better. Oh, and my migraine - gone within 2 hours of this massage. Nothing short of miraculous in my mind.

I have since experimented with various other places and people, but keep going back to this one and this woman who just seems to know what to do for me. My mother told me that when you find your match, you must stick with them because it is rare, and I must say she was right.